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La conference dal Progjet Fedora

7-11 di Avost dal 2024

Datis impuartantis

No sta pierdi chestis impuartantis scjadincis.

March 19

Invît a presentâ propuestis pal Flock

Tiermin ultin: April 29

July 03

Lis iscrizions a Flock a son viertis

Jentrade libare


Flock will be held for four days from Wednesday, August 7th to Saturday, August 10th. You should plan to arrive by Tuesday, August 6th and to depart no sooner than Saturday evening, August 10th for the best experience. An optional, paid day trip to Niagara Falls is offered on Sunday, August 11th (pre-registration required).

mie Avo 7
joi Avo 8
vin Avo 9
Mentor Summit
sab Avo 10

Venue & Hotel

Flock to Fedora will be held in Rochester, New York, United States of America.

The Hyatt Regency Rochester is both the conference venue as well as the conference hotel. A booking block is reserved at the hotel for Flock attendees with negotiated room rates starting from 159 USD/night. Rooms are air-conditioned and include use of guest facilities and amenities.

To obtain the Flock rate, register using the booking block or the booking promo code G-REDH. July 16 is the cut-off for our reserved block. If reserving for yourself, please book before then! After this date, rates are best available.

General information and detailed overviews about Rochester can be found compiled on the Fedora Wiki, along with an overview of transportation options.

Hyatt Regency Rochester
125 East Main Street
Rochester, New York
United States
Telephone: +1 (585) 546-1234

Ativitâts sociâls

Plan for evenings with the community at Flock! Most nights of the conference will have scheduled evening activities coordinated by the Flock organizing team. Historically, we have done networking dinners, game nights, walking tours, and other fun local activities during the conference.

Serade di zûc di taule
mie Avo 7

Join community members for a Board Game Night in the Astor on Main restaurant in the Hyatt from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Light appetizers and beverages will be provided. Bring a favorite card or board game to share and play with friends and colleagues!

View on Schedule
Scambi internazionâl di bombons
mie Avo 7

Join community members for an International Candy Swap in the Astor on Main restaurant in the Hyatt from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. This will be hosted alongside the Board Game Night. Any leftover candies at the end of the Swap are open to any conference attendee to try or take home.

Register on the Wiki
Strong Museum of Play Arcade Night
joi Avo 8

This social event will be located in the Strong National Museum of Play, where we will have a catered dinner and exclusive access to the arcade hall. Doors open at 6:00 PM and dinner is provided from 6:30 PM onward. Tokens will be provided to play in the various arcade cabinets and games in the Museum. Parts of the museum will be open for browsing. The venue is within walking distance of the Hyatt.

Museum Website
Scavenger Hunt
vin Avo 9

Join us for a group scavenger hunt through downtown Rochester. Join up into teams and see if your team has what it takes to become champions of the hunt! Sign up for the activity using the form below.

Sign up here!
Escursion di un dì ai salts di aghe dal Niagara
first-come, first-served, limited availability
dom Avo 11

On Sunday, a coach bus will take visitors from the Hyatt Regency Rochester to Niagara Falls, New York. This is an optional, paid add-on for anyone who will spend extra time after Flock and would like to see one of the United States’ natural wonders. The coach bus will depart the Hyatt at 9:00 AM and return to the Hyatt around 5:00 PM.


FAQs - Domandis fatis dispès

  • Trop costial partecipâ?

    Flock to Fedora is free to attend, however attendees are asked to consider making a voluntary payment to allow us to increase our travel funding. The suggested payment is $25 (25 USD) scaled to your country using the Big Mac Index. When you click on the orange 'Get tickets' button in Eventbrite, you will find various ticket options. Information about which countries are suggested for which tickets is available by click on the ticket's 'Show Info' link.

  • Why do you suggest we pay?

    We encourage people to pay as it shows commitment to attending. We make many non-refundable commitments for items such as lunch and coffee breaks that are lost to us if you do not attend. There is a strong correlation between paying anything toward admission and actually showing up. The cost paid does not cover the costs associated with your attendance, even if you pay for your entire costs of travel and lodging.

  • What if my country/region isn't listed?

    Use the value that feels the closest to right for you. Consider regions with similar economic situations. Also consider your own situation and choose accordingly.

  • O desideri paiâ une impuart diferent di ce che al è previodût pal gno paîs, ce aio di fâ?

    Please choose the amount that makes the most sense for you. Flock to Fedora is free to attend, while we encourage you to consider making a voluntary payment.

  • O desideri finanziâ il viaç di altris, puedio?

    Yes! You choose a Supporter or Champion ticket to help offset the travel of those who cannot afford to attend. All travel funds are used to help Fedora Community members defray their travel costs. Travel funds are administered through the Flock travel funding program and may not be directed to a specific individual using this form.

  • Cemût âstu calcolât chescj impuarts sugjerîts?

    We used the raw data from the Big Mac Index for January 2023. Using the dollar valuation, the $25 US value was modified to reflect relative Purchase Price Parity. These values were then rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 to make the numbers less "ugly."

    This is not a perfect method, but since the payment is voluntary it provides a reasonable starting point.

    The specific method was to use a LibreOffice spreadsheet and open the data set. The value in the 'dollar_valuation' column (column I) was converted to a percentage and then multiplied by $25 before being rounded to the nearest $5. The formula is '=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)'.

  • Will this event be recorded?

    We plan to both record and live-stream all presentations on Wednesday, 7 August and Thursday, 8 August. Workshops and hackfests on Friday and Saturday will not be recorded or live-streamed. Live-streaming will happen on the Fedora YouTube channel. Attendees to the event may be captured on video, audio, or photographic recordings

  • Cemût prenotio il gno hotel se o ricêf aiûts finanziaris?

    Se tu fasis domande e tu ricevis assistence finanziarie par partecipâ al Flock, i organizadôrs ti prenotaran i servizis di viaç (par esempli svol, hotel, tren, autobus, e v.i.), in base al to pachet di sponsorizazion.

  • What are the conduct expectations for the event?

    Jessint un event di Fedora, la conference Flock e je regolade dal Codiç di condote di Fedora

  • Cemût segnalio une violazion dal codiç di condote?

    The Fedora Code of Conduct outlines the reporting steps for issues related to the Code of Conduct. In a nutshell, the process is started via either creating a new, private, pagure ticket or sending an email to

  • Who do I contact if I have questions not listed here?

    Se tu âs domandis o altris richiestis di caratar gjenerâl sul event, contate

I nestris sponsors

O ringraciìn i nestris patrocinadôrs: supuartâ chest event al è un mût par contribuî al open source.

Platinum Sponsors

Logo for Red Hat

Gold Sponsors

Logo for CentOS
Logo for Rocky Linux
Logo for Lenovo
Logo for Microsoft Azure

Silver Sponsors

Logo for AlmaLinux
Logo for OpenSuse
Logo for ARM
Logo for Meta

Bronze Sponsors

Logo for SureStep

Vantaçs tal patrocinâ Flock

Sponsorship opportunities are now closed. For information, see the prospectus below or contact

  • Esposizion de marche

    I patrocinadôrs a son publicizâts in diviersis zonis dal Flock. Sore, o publichìn informazions relativis ai sponsors sui social media. La vuestre marche e vignarà distribuide in dut il mont te nestre borse dai regâi.

  • Rêt

    Flock al tire dongje centenârs di fantastics membris de comunitât open source, che a lavorin e a doprin il software ogni dì. Partecipe ae nestre comunitât vivarose dilunc lis sessions e i moments di socializazion.