Esplore il World Wide Web cun Firefox, il navigadôr web complet di dutis lis funzionalitâts.
Fedora i3 Spin e da fûr il popolâr gjestôr di barcons a mosaic i3. Al rint i3 acessibil e atraent sedi pai principiants che pai utents plui esperts che a preferissin no doprâ mouse, touchpads o altris dispositîfs di pontament par interagjî cul lôr ambient. Dotât di aplicazions lizeris pe navigazion web, pe modifiche dal test e pe riproduzion multimediâl, Fedora i3 Spin e ufrìs une esperience complete cuntune interface utent minimaliste.
Esplore il World Wide Web cun Firefox, il navigadôr web complet di dutis lis funzionalitâts.
Cuntun sempliç clic tu âs la conession cul to router wireless LAN, opûr online midiant lis tantis schedis a bande largje mobile 3G supuartadis.
Aplicazion CLI par controlâ la configurazion di NetworkManager. Ti da la potence de applet nm, ma tal terminâl.
Also known as urxvt, it's a lightweight terminal emulator fully customizable.
brightlight gets and sets the screen back-light brightness on Linux systems using the kernel sysfs interface.
A GTK+3-based picture browser and background setter.
Simple screen locker
Small program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs
Dynamic menu for X11
Highly-configurable and lightweight notification daemon
Interactive process viewer
Simple text editor for the Xfce desktop environment
file manager for Linux and other Unix-like systems