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La conference dal Progjet Fedora

Esplore lis ultimis novitâts dal Open Source

Laboratoris e hackfests

I laboratoris e i hackfests a dan oportunitâts di colaborazion e aprendiment atîf. Chestis sessions a son interativis e ti metin in prove cui aspiets sedi di inzegnarie che mancul, de comunitât di Fedora. Di solit a durin dôs oris (laboratoris) o mieze zornade (hackfests).

Sessions e presentazions

Presentazions che a mostrin il lavôr fat in Fedora e i plans pal futûr. Di solit a durin 30 o 60 minûts.

Events Sociâi

Events informâi, facilitâts e interatîfs par cjatâsi e socializâ cui Fedorans. Passe il timp cun chei altris membris de comunitât par cognossi e fâsi cognossi miôr e costruî conessions che a durin par dut l'an.

Une esperience di vivi di persone

Il Flock e je une conference anuâl incentrade sui colaboradôrs dal Progjet Fedora. Di solit al alterne lûcs tra la Europe e il Nord Americhe. La conference e da a disposizion un lûc par cjatâsi e fevelâ muse a muse. E je ancje un puest par fâ fieste su la nestre comunitât. Al Flock, o comunichìn la strategjie di Fedora, o creìn conessions che a puartin a risultâts pratics e o gjoldìn fasint fieste sui nestris sucès e pe nestre comunitât.

Dôs personis in pîts denant di une bacheche a ridin, vint intor i distintîfs de conference
Un grup di personis sentadis in semicercli te part anteriôr di une stanzie che a rispuindin aes domandis dal public

Cjale i filmâts dai events passâts

Canâl YouTube dal Progjet Fedora

Al sucêt simpri alc di entusiasmant in Fedora. Tra dut a son regjistrazions dai events precedents e altris contignûts divertents. Bute un volti al canâl YouTube dal Progjet Fedora par viodi ce che o stin fasint!

Visite Fedora Youtube 

Archivi dal an prime

Il Flock 2023 al è stât tignût a Cork, in Irlande. Scolte lis regjistrazions dal event te liste di riproduzion chi sot!

Viôt la liste di riproduzion 

Reste colegât cun nô

Reste colegât dilunc il Floc midiant chescj canâi.

FAQs - Domandis fatis dispès

  • Cui partecipial al Flock?

    Ancje se Flock al è viert a ducj, la plui part des discussions di Flock a son incentradis sui colaboradôrs esistents e chei che a cirin di incressi il lôr partecipazion. Nol è cuasi nissun contignût incentrât in mût esclusîf sul utent. Flock al è un spazi pensât par lavorâ e promovi i interès de nestre varie comunitât globâl di colaboradôrs.

  • Ce fasarìno al Flock?

    Communicate the Fedora Strategy: Everyone in Fedora should understand and feel well-aligned with the project's goals, both tactical and long-term. Flock to Fedora is a crucial unifying force for our community. It offers a unique venue to discuss new ideas with our diverse community around the world. In-person connections form the most powerful way to get everyone inspired to work towards our shared goals. This makes it the best venue to encourage and motivate our contributors toward reaching our shared goals.

    Make Connections that Lead to Action: We do amazing work as a global project, but it is hard to know everything that is going on. When we work online, it is easy to focus only on our work and the people we directly work with. At Flock, we meet many other members of the community who we might not otherwise encounter. These unique connections formed in the Flock “melting pot” empower future collaborations and inspire cross-team ideas that couldn’t happen otherwise.

    Celebrate Our Successes and Our Community: The Fedora community is made up of diverse people from various professional backgrounds, cultures, languages, time zones, and interests. With this amazing blend of people, we never lose sight of the strong value of our Friends Foundation. Flock to Fedora demonstrates how we live that value as a community. The social energy generated from Flock to Fedora sustains contributors for the rest of the year, keeping us connected and engaged.

Sponsors precedents

Graciis a ducj i sponsors che nus àn judât a rindi pussibil il Flock jù pai agns.

Logo for Red Hat
Logo for CentOS
Logo for Rocky Linux
Logo for Lenovo
Logo for Microsoft Azure
Logo for AlmaLinux
Logo for OpenSuse
Logo for Meta
Logo for DasKeyboard
Logo for Gnome
Logo for KDE
Logo for
Logo for TuxDigital
Logo for Ansible
Logo for Adafruit
Logo for Apache Software Foundation
Logo for ARM
Logo for Amazon Web Services
Logo for Bluehost
Logo for Citrix
Logo for College of Charleston
Logo for Datto
Logo for Dell
Logo for Destination Linux Network
Logo for It’s FOSS
Logo for Linux Foundation
Logo for Lulzbot
Logo for GitLab
Logo for Google
Logo for OpenNMS
Logo for O’Reilly
Logo for Puppet Labs
Logo for Rackspace
Logo for Spigot
Logo for Network Box

Prague photograph by Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.