Flock 活动将从 8 月 7 日(星期三)至 8 月 10 日(星期六)举行,为期四天 。 为获得最佳体验,您应计划在 8 月 6 日(星期二)之前抵达,并在 8 月 10 日(星期六)晚上之前离开。 8 月 11 日(星期日)可选择前往尼亚加拉大瀑布一日游,费用自理(需提前报名)。
Venue & Hotel
Flock to Fedora 将在美国纽约州罗切斯特市举行。
罗切斯特凯悦酒店 既是会议地点,也是会议酒店。 酒店为 Flock 与会者预留了预订公寓,议定房价从 159 美元/晚起。 客房配有空调,并包括客房设施和便利设施的使用费。
要获得 Flock 的价格,请使用预订公寓或通过促销代码 G-REDH进行注册。 7 月 16 日是我们预订区块的截止日期。 如果为自己预订,请在此之前预订! 在此日期之后,价格为最佳价格。
有关罗切斯特的一般信息和详细概述可参见 Fedora Wiki 上的汇编,以及 交通选择概述。
125 East Main Street
Rochester, New York
United States
Telephone: +1 (585) 546-1234
- 参会费用是多少?
参加 Flock to Fedora 是免费的,但请与会者考虑自愿捐款,以便我们增加差旅经费。 建议支付 25 美元,根据您所在国家的 巨无霸指数 比例计算。 当您在 Eventbrite 上点击橙色的 "Get tickets(获取门票) "按钮时,您会看到各种门票选项。 点击门票的 "Show Info(显示信息)"链接,可以了解哪些国家建议购买哪些门票。
- Why do you suggest we pay?
We encourage people to pay as it shows commitment to attending. We make many non-refundable commitments for items such as lunch and coffee breaks that are lost to us if you do not attend. There is a strong correlation between paying anything toward admission and actually showing up. The cost paid does not cover the costs associated with your attendance, even if you pay for your entire costs of travel and lodging.
- What if my country/region isn't listed?
Use the value that feels the closest to right for you. Consider regions with similar economic situations. Also consider your own situation and choose accordingly.
- 我支付的金额与我所在国家列出的金额不同的金额,我该怎么办?
Please choose the amount that makes the most sense for you. Flock to Fedora is free to attend, while we encourage you to consider making a voluntary payment.
- 我想资助他人的路费,可以吗?
Yes! You choose a Supporter or Champion ticket to help offset the travel of those who cannot afford to attend. All travel funds are used to help Fedora Community members defray their travel costs. Travel funds are administered through the Flock travel funding program and may not be directed to a specific individual using this form.
- 您是如何计算这些建议数额的?
We used the raw data from the Big Mac Index for January 2023. Using the dollar valuation, the $25 US value was modified to reflect relative Purchase Price Parity. These values were then rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 to make the numbers less "ugly."
This is not a perfect method, but since the payment is voluntary it provides a reasonable starting point.
The specific method was to use a LibreOffice spreadsheet and open the data set. The value in the '
' column (column I) was converted to a percentage and then multiplied by $25 before being rounded to the nearest $5. The formula is '=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)
'. - Will this event be recorded?
We plan to both record and live-stream all presentations on Wednesday, 7 August and Thursday, 8 August. Workshops and hackfests on Friday and Saturday will not be recorded or live-streamed. Live-streaming will happen on the Fedora YouTube channel. Attendees to the event may be captured on video, audio, or photographic recordings
- 如果我正在接受资助,如何预订酒店?
如果您申请并获得资助参加 Flock,主办方将根据您的赞助等级为您预订旅行安排(如机票、酒店、火车、巴士等)。
- 如何举报违反行为政策的行为?
The Fedora Code of Conduct outlines the reporting steps for issues related to the Code of Conduct. In a nutshell, the process is started via either creating a new, private, pagure ticket or sending an email to flock-coc@fedoraproject.org.
- Who do I contact if I have questions not listed here?
如果您对活动有任何疑问或其他一般咨询,请联系 flock-staff@fedoraproject.org
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
赞助 Flock 的益处
Sponsorship opportunities are now closed. For information, see the prospectus below or contact sponsors@fedoraproject.org.
Flock 的多个地方都刊登了赞助商广告。我们还在社交媒体上发布有关赞助商的信息。您的品牌将通过我们的礼品袋在全球范围内分发。
Flock 吸引了数百名优秀的开源社区成员,他们每天都在开发和使用软件。在会议和社交时间与我们充满活力的社区互动。
罗切斯特照片由维基共享资源,自由媒体资源库提供,根据知识共享 版权归属-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 公共许可证使用。
Social Activities
计划晚上与 Flock 社区的活动! 会议期间的大多数晚上都会有由 Flock 组织团队协调安排的晚间活动。 以往,我们会在会议期间举办交流晚宴、游戏之夜、徒步游和其他有趣的当地活动。
晚上 6:30 至 10:00,与社区成员一起在凯悦酒店的 Astor on Main 餐厅参加桌游之夜。 我们将提供开胃小菜和饮料。 带上喜欢的纸牌或棋盘游戏,与朋友和同事分享和玩耍!
View on Schedule晚上 6:30 至 7:00 在凯悦酒店的 Astor on Main 餐厅与社区成员一起参加国际糖果交换活动。 该活动将与 "桌游之夜 "同时举行。 交换结束后剩余的糖果将开放给任何与会者品尝或带回家。
Register on the WikiThis social event will be located in the Strong National Museum of Play, where we will have a catered dinner and exclusive access to the arcade hall. Doors open at 6:00 PM and dinner is provided from 6:30 PM onward. Tokens will be provided to play in the various arcade cabinets and games in the Museum. Parts of the museum will be open for browsing. The venue is within walking distance of the Hyatt.
Museum Website和我们一起在罗切斯特市中心进行团队寻宝游戏。 组队参加,看看你的团队是否有能力成为寻宝冠军! 使用下面的表格报名参加活动。
Sign up here!周日,旅游巴士将把游客从罗切斯特凯悦酒店送往纽约州尼亚加拉大瀑布。 这是一个可选的付费附加项目,适合在弗洛克活动结束后有额外时间并希望观赏美国自然奇观之一的游客。 旅游巴士将于上午 9:00 从凯悦酒店出发,下午 5:00 左右返回凯悦酒店。