IPython is an enhanced interactive shell with various features to support rapid interactive computing.
Wary of reinstalling all the essential tools for your scientific and numerical work? The answer is here. Fedora Scientific Spin brings together the most useful open source scientific and numerical tools atop the goodness of the KDE desktop environment.
Fedora Scientific currently ships with numerous applications and libraries. These range from libraries such as the GNU Scientific library, the SciPy libraries, tools like Octave and xfig to typesetting tools like Kile and graphics programs such as Inkscape. The current set of packages include an IDE, tools and libraries for programming in C, C++, Python, Java and R. Also included along with are libraries for parallel computing such as the OpenMPI and OpenMP. Tools for typesetting, writing and publishing are included.
IPython is an enhanced interactive shell with various features to support rapid interactive computing.
Pandas is a Python library mostly useful for data analysis.
Gnuplot is a command line driven utility for creating 2D and 3D graphs.
Matplotlib is the most feature-rich Python library for creating publication ready graphs and figures.
R is a software environment for statistical computing.
Maxima is a computer algebra system.
Fedora Scientific includes the complete toolchain needed for creating documents using LaTeX.
GNU Octave is a high level programming language and numerical computing environment, mostly compatible with MATLAB.
The GNU Scientific Library is a C/C++ library providing a extensive collection of mathematical routines.
Date di publicazion: martars 29 di Otubar dal 2024
Getting started with Fedora Linux is easier than ever. All you need is a 4GB USB flash drive and the Fedora Media Writer utility.
After Fedora Media Writer is installed, you can use it to write a "Live" version of Fedora Linux to a flash drive. You will then be able to boot from your flash drive and try Fedora Linux out without making any permanent changes to your computer. Once you are hooked, transferring Fedora Linux from the flash drive to your computer's hard drive is a matter of clicking a few buttons.* Learn more
Une volte discjamade une imagjin, viôt di verificâle sedi pe sigurece e che pe integritât.
Calcolant la sume di control de imagjin sul to computer e confrontantle cun chê origjinâl, tu puedis verificâ che la imagjin no vedi subît modifichis o che e sedi corote. Lis imagjinis a son ancje firmadis cun pgp cu lis clâfs di Fedora, par dimostrâ la lôr integrât.
Fâs clic sul boton di verifiche par discjariâ il file de sume di control pe imagjin discjariade.
Impuarte lis clâfs GPG di Fedora
curl -O https://fedoraproject.org/fedora.gpg
Tu puedis verificâ i detais des clâfs GPG achì.
Verifiche che il file de sume di control al sedi valit
gpgv --keyring ./fedora.gpg Fedora-Labs-41-1.4-*-CHECKSUM
Verifiche che la sume di control e corispuindi
sha256sum -c Fedora-Labs-41-1.4-*-CHECKSUM
Se la jessude e indiche che il file al è valit, alore al è pront di doprâ!
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