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Fedora Python Classroom Lab

One of the benefits of Fedora for Python developers is the ease of setting up Python development. The Fedora Python Classroom Lab makes it even easier for teachers and instructors to use Fedora in their classrooms or workshops. Ready to use operating system with important stuff pre-installed - either with GNOME or as a headless environment for Docker or Vagrant. Teach Python on Fedora, with Fedora, using the stuff you love: IPython, Jupyter Notebook, multiple Pythons, virtualenvs, tox, git and more

The Fedora Python Classroom Lab comes in 3 variants. Either you can run it in graphical mode with GNOME, or you can virtualize it with Vagrant or run it in a Docker container. You choose what fits your teaching environment the best.

Featured Applications

Multiple Pythons

Multiple implementations of the Python programming language, including the newest CPython and PyPy versions

Scientific Python stack

All you need to learn or teach science in Python including SciPy


An enhanced interactive Python shell

Jupyter Notebook

A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing and visualizations


virtualenv management and test command line tool

virtual environments

Create isolated python environments

Mu editor

A simple Python editor for beginner programmers

Python 3 IDLE

Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment

Prenos Fedora Python Classroom Lab 41

DATUM IZDAJE: torek, 29. oktober 2024

Za sisteme Intel in AMD x86_64

Fedora Python Classroom Lab 41Vagrant libvirtvagrant-libvirt.box1.5 GiB

Fedora Python Classroom Lab 41Vagrant VirtualBoxvagrant-virtualbox.box1.6 GiB

Fedora Python Classroom Lab 41Live ISOiso2.2 GiB

Za sisteme ARM® aarch64

Fedora Python Classroom Lab 41Rawraw.xz2.9 GiB

Za to različico ni na voljo nobene datoteke.
Fedora Media Writer Icon

Fedora Media Writer

Getting started with Fedora Linux is easier than ever. All you need is a 4GB USB flash drive and the Fedora Media Writer utility.

After Fedora Media Writer is installed, you can use it to write a "Live" version of Fedora Linux to a flash drive. You will then be able to boot from your flash drive and try Fedora Linux out without making any permanent changes to your computer. Once you are hooked, transferring Fedora Linux from the flash drive to your computer's hard drive is a matter of clicking a few buttons.* Learn more

  • Most Fedora Linux variants recommend 40GB disk space and 4GB RAM to install and run. Double these amounts might yield a better experience depending on how the system is being used.

Fedora Media WriterWindows and Mac

Fedora Media WriterLinux

Varnost jemljemo resno

Ko ste preneseli sliko, preverite tako njeno varnost kot celovitost.

Z izračunom kontrolne vsote slike na vašem računalniku in primerjavo z izvirno kontrolno vsoto lahko preverite, ali slika ni bila spremenjena ali poškodovana. Slike so tudi podpisane gpg s ključi Fedora, da se pokaže njihova celovitost.

  • Click the verify button to download the checksum file for your downloaded image.

  • Uvozite Fedorine ključ(e) GPG

                    curl -O

    Podrobnosti ključev GPG lahko preverite tukaj.

  • Preverite, ali je datoteka s kontrolno vsoto veljavna

                    gpgv --keyring ./fedora.gpg Fedora-Labs-41-1.4-*-CHECKSUM
  • Preverite ujemanje kontrolne vsote

                    sha256sum -c Fedora-Labs-41-1.4-*-CHECKSUM

Če izhod trdi, da je datoteka veljavna, je pripravljena za uporabo!

Če kliknete in prenesete Fedoro, se strinjate, da boste ravnali v skladu s Politiko nadzora izvoza Fedora.