Blueberry 是以 gnome-bluetooth 為基礎打造的組態設定工具,和大多數桌面環境都整合得很好。
The MATE+Compiz spin bundles MATE Desktop with Compiz Fusion. MATE Desktop is a lightweight, powerful desktop designed with productivity and performance in mind. The default windows manager is Marco which is usable for all machines and VMs. Compiz Fusion is a beautiful 3D windowing manager with Emerald and GTK+ theming.
If you want a powerful, lightweight Fedora desktop with 3D eyecandy you should definitely try the MATE+Compiz spin.
Blueberry 是以 gnome-bluetooth 為基礎打造的組態設定工具,和大多數桌面環境都整合得很好。
Firefox,透過這套功能完善的網頁瀏覽器,探索 WWW 全球資訊網。
使用 Hexchat 和你的朋友與同事保持聯絡,同時也是輕鬆好用的 IRC 客戶端程式。
你是喜歡下載的人嗎?可以用 Transmission 取得 Fedora MATE+Compiz 桌面的新版本喔!
Fedora MATE+Compiz ships a terminal, the gateway to the real power of any UNIX/Linux machine, called MATE Terminal.
LibreOffice 是整合式辦公套裝軟體。它採用自由與開放標準作為其文件格式與軟體組成。
Claws 郵件是為 MATE+Compiz 桌面設計,易於組態設定,且功能全備的電子郵件應用程式。
Simple interface. Powerful music management. Smart Playlists. Advanced track tagging. Automatic album art. Lyrics. Streaming Radio. Podcasts.
現代的媒體播放器,使用 gtk3 和 gstreamer 插件框架。
MATE 之眼是適用 MATE+Compiz 桌面,快速且功能良好的影像檢視器。
FileZilla is a cross-platform free FTP solution with tons of intuitive tools, helping you to move files quickly between your computer and Web server.